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Is My Phone Hurting My Eyes? Ottawa’s Dr. McLeod Answers

Is My Phone Hurting My Eyes?

Just like the muscles in your body, your eyes can become easily strained by sitting in front of a computer, watching TV, or using your smartphone. The result is a common yet aggravating condition known as eye fatigue, which can often be the sign of a more serious underlying medical condition.


Causes of Eye Fatigue


Eye fatigue is typically caused by activities that require an intense and prolonged use of your eyes, such as reading, working on a computer, driving, watching TV, playing video games, texting, and exposure to bright or dim lights.


Eye fatigue that is specifically related to digital devices (such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops) is also known as Computer Vision Syndrome. These devices are particularly hard on your eyes because when we use them, we tend to blink less. This results in dry, tired, itching, and burning eyes. In some cases, patients can develop eye fatigue in as little as 10 minutes after they start using a digital device.


Symptoms of eye fatigue


While there are a number of symptoms associated with eye fatigue, the most common are:



It’s also important to note that eye fatigue can be the sign of a much more serious underlying disease or condition, such as dry eyes or uncorrected vision (refractive error). So, be sure to book an appointment with your optometrist as soon as you notice any of these symptoms.


Prevention of Eye Fatigue


In most cases, eye fatigue can be prevented with a few simple changes in your work habits and environment, including:



If you suspect you have eye fatigue or notice any eye pain, you should book an appointment immediately with your optometrist, as it may be related to an underlying condition such as an eye muscle imbalance, or a need for a new eyewear prescription.

McLeod Optometry Clinic

Dr. Thomas Noel
Lead Optometrist



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