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Lumberjaxe Open Axe Throwing Tournament Set For Labour Day, September 7th

Lumberjaxe Axe throwing Hall, Ottawa’s axe-throwing destination in centretown, is hosting a two-for-one BlackJaxed tournament for the long weekend on Sept 7, open to both beginners and experienced axe throwers looking for a COVID-safe activity this holiday Monday.

The basis of the tournament, as explained by Lumberjaxe Instructor Keith, is to get as close to 21 as possible per round, without going over.


The winners will receive a trophy and take home an Axe & Beer Package, with plenty of other small prizes to be given away.


After the tournament, there will be an after party located on the fully-licensed patio where you and your friends can dine and drink, and rest your throwing arms.


Lumberjaxe also outlines their strict COVID-19 guidelines on their event page. 


Tickets are on sale now at just $100 for each team of two.


Sponsored Post: Please note that LumberJaxe has joined Faces Magazine as a sponsor. 


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