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Over 60% of People Agree That Burgers Are Sandwiches

We’re only two weeks away from National Sandwich Day on November 3rd, a day to honour one of humanity’s best creations.


In an almost foodie culture-wide consensus, The Grilled Cheese is the most popular and liked sandwich in North America, with over 80% of people in its side. Where the sandwich community is split, however, is in what can and can’t be classified as a sandwich.


In a 2019 poll by YouGov, respondents were asked if they considered a variety of hand-held favourites as sandwiches, or not. The results show that sandwhichism is selective, if not controversial.


Of the items, a Sloppy Jo was considered a sandwich by the most amount of respondents, which was still only 62% of the group. Following closely behind was the hamburger. For both the hamburger and the ‘Jo, it seems the majority consider them to be of the sandwich variety.


Not so lucky dishes were Hot Dogs and Tacos. Only 34% of people felt Hot Dogs were considered sandwiches, and Tacos even less: only 15%.


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