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Fitness Equipment That Will Actually Help You Reach Your Goals

by Riley Pearce, CSEP Certified Personal Trainer at Free Form Fitness, Free Form Fitness Social Media Director


There is so much out there to help you reach your fitness goals. Supplements, step counters, workout programs, and even the technology in shoes and exercise apparel are touted to have the potential to help you become a better version of yourself.

Here are 5 fitness products that will actually help you reach your goals this year.


A Food Tracker

Tracking your food with an app like MyFitnessPal, especially when you are starting a new diet, is the best way to hold yourself accountable to your dietary goals. Having a visual representation of how much you are eating, and the type of fuel you are consuming can help you start to see food as fuel, instead of a mindless activity.

A Skipping Rope

This handy and inexpensive piece of equipment is a great way to tackle a number of health and fitness goals. If you were to jump rope for 1 hour, you would burn 800-1000 cals. Jumping rope also helps with balance and coordination, and improves heart health. The best part? Jump rope is small and light, so it can be used just about anywhere.

1L Water Bottle

Studies show that drinking 1L for every 50lbs of weight is what we should all be aiming for in order to function optimally. Having a 1L water bottle makes it easy to keep track of your consumption.

If you’re having trouble remembering how many bottles you’ve had in a day, you can track it in a food or water tracking app or you can wrap elastics around the bottle. Every time you finish the bottle, put the elastic around your wrist. Once all the elastics are off the bottle, then you know you have reached your water goal for the day.

A Gym Membership

Being a member of a fitness facility, whether it be a yoga studio, a spin class, a gym, or a personal training studio, gives you the space to get regular exercise. Paying for a membership or a trainer means you have invested your hard earned money in yourself and your health.

Blue Light Filter and eye mask

Sleep is often overlooked as an important part of health. Lack of sleep can increase stress levels and inhibit the body from recovering properly after workouts. Eye masks are also a great tool to help you sleep better. Even the smallest amount of light is enough to disrupt your sleep, whether you wake up to it or not. Buy yourself a good eye mask for sleeping, and prepare for some seriously restful and restorative sleep!

A good diet, great sleep, and regular, focused exercise will all help you reach your health fitness goals, whatever they are this year!

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