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The 75 Hard Challenge Has Blown Up on TikTok—Here’s What You Need to Know


The latest trend to hit the health and fitness industry is called the 75 hard challenges. Created by Andy Frisella, the 75 Hard Challenge is meant to be a total mind and body reset, focused on cultivating discipline and staying consistent to a seemingly simple set of rules for 75 days. There’s a reason it’s called 75 hard however, and the catalyst to success or failure is will power and as Andy calls it: grit. Andy describes this challenge not as a fitness program, but as a “mental toughness program”.


The rules aren’t complicated: you must follow a diet of your choosing, with no alcohol or cheat meals; you must work out twice a day for 45 minutes each, and one must be outside; you have to drink 4 liters of water per day; you read 10 minutes of a nonfiction book every day; you must take a 5-minute cold shower; and finally, you have to take a progress photo each day of the challenge. While these are simple rules, they’re far from easy, as they require daily discipline and will-power to stay consistent.


When Andy Frisella first posted about the challenge, he believed that not even 10 people would attempt it, but since its creation, the #75hardchallenge tag on TikTok has amassed over 395 million views and thousands of videos, with many users posting their daily progress photos on TikTok for their viewers to follow their journey.


To learn more about the challenge, visit the official page at

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