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Walking Improves Creativity Up To 60%, Studies Say

A report by Stanford University found that walking can increase creative output by up to 60%, and that’s not all. 


The report analyzed the test scores of participants that measured their creative output, and found that those who were walking during, or before the test had significantly higher scores than those who did not walk before, or took the test while sitting. 


Additionally, studies have shown that walking has similar effects as running on health outlooks. 


Studies found that medium-intensity walking lowered the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and heart disease at almost the same level as high-intensity running over a six-year period. 


12 minutes of Walking was shown to be as effective as a 45-minute workout at improving productivity and mood, and walking in nature has been shown to lower levels of depression and anxiety. 


Although a 45-minute workout will show better results than simply walking, the mental benefits and reduction of health risks show that the easy activity can go a long way in improving lives. 


Staying happy and healthy is as easy as standing up and walking for 12 minutes. 


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