
11 Questions With CTV News’ Jeremie Charron

Jeremie Charron has always let his passion fuel his career. The avid sports fan grew up wanting to be a sports commentator, a dream that led him to become the multi-skilled journalist he is today, contributing content to television, radio and digital platforms. Jeremie, now an anchor and reporter with CTV News Ottawa, shares his favourite career highlights and reflects on his most important role to date – a promotion to ‘Dad’.


What part of Ottawa did you grow up in? What are some of your favourite memories as a child?


I grew up in the west end of the city in Sittsville. Growing up next to a farm, my younger brother and I often spent time chasing cows in the backyard. As a kid, sports were my life; everything from hockey to soccer, volleyball to golf, and baseball. I spent most of my childhood in the rink, on fields, on the court, or on the links. I also spent my summers in Norway Bay, QC at our family cottage where I learned to swim and golf with my grandparents.


Were you a Sens fan growing up?


Absolutely! My brother and I watched the Sens all the time on tv, and still try to get to a few games a season when we can. The Sens were a playoff mainstay when I was growing up. I have vivid memories of my brother and I holding Sens signs in our driveway trying to get people to honk during playoff series. Names like Neil, Redden, Philips, Spezza, Heatly, and especially Alfredson, are ingrained in my best Sens memories. My younger self would have freaked out if he knew I’d one day get the pleasure to walk the Ottawa Hunt Club golf course with Alfie during the CP Women’s Open, and even lose to him in a very tight charity pickleball match.


When did you know that you wanted to pursue a career in media and journalism?


I was a late bloomer. It wasn’t until grade 12, at the 11th hour (classic Jeremie), that I decided sports media would be the career I would pursue. Fast forward to 2023, the student who only wanted to be a sports broadcaster got a job as a news journalist right out of school, and has become a true news junkie. I never envisioned myself as a news reporter or anchor, I always saw myself on a sports desk, but I couldn’t be happier with where I am now at CTV Ottawa. The more I work in news, the more I fall in love with it, but I still love every opportunity I get to cover sports.


Who were some of your biggest role models in your early career?


It’s hard to choose only a few, so many people helped me out early in my career. Former CTV Ottawa sportscaster, Terry Marcotte is certainly one of them. I interned with Terry right out of school and he taught me some of the most important lessons I still keep with me to this day. He is one of the best storytellers I have ever seen, and I am thankful to have learned from him early on. Ian Mendes was also in my corner from the start, he might not even remember it, but was very generous with his time when I was still in school and eager to learn. He has always been happy to lend a helping hand. Through the years, Graham Richardson has become a huge mentor. He is someone I often lean on and someone who is always willing to help and steer me in the right direction.


Photography by Freshh Anderson


Outside of work, you are also a new dad. What is your favourite part about being a father? What’s the most challenging?


I love being a dad. It is by far my favourite title. My daughter Josie is an absolute character and keeps my wife and I on our toes at all times, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. My favourite part has to be the fact that her little (big) smile can so easily erase any bad day. As for the most challenging, one word: sleep. The early days can be difficult if baby isn’t sleeping well, but it all gets better.


Tell us about how you met your wife Jessie. What is your favourite thing about her?


My wife Jessie and I met at a New Years Eve party in 2017. We hit it off right away talking about sports and the rest is history. It is hard to choose one favourite thing, she is my rock. She is the most caring person I have ever met, and always puts our family before herself. We find a way to laugh through everything, and she is my biggest cheerleader in life. I truly wouldn’t be where I am today without her and her support.


What is one of the most memorable stories you have reported on in your career so far?


There are many that stand out, but there is no question that covering the “Freedom Convoy” in February 2022 is the most memorable moment(s) of my career so far. It started as a protest against Covid-19 mandates, but quickly became much more. Trucks and protestors occupied the capital for nearly a month. It went from a local story, to a national story, to an international story. At times the world was watching Ottawa, and being part of covering that story for CTV News is something I’ll never forget. It was by far the most challenging assignment I have ever had, but looking back it also helped me grow as a journalist.


What’s your favourite thing to do in Ottawa on a day off?


Those who know me know I love to golf. Any chance I get, though few and far between now with a young daughter, I love to get out on the course with friends and catch up through a round of golf.


Any restaurant recommendations?


Definitely! How much time do we have? It is hard to narrow it down to just a few. In my hood in the west end, Fratelli Kanata is a go-to. Greenfield’s in Barrhaven is an excellent spot with the best patio in the city, and when I am in North Gower visiting my in-laws, The Marlborough is a must.



You’re always very well dressed. As we move into the colder weather, what are some tips on staying stylish in the fall?


I’m flattered that anyone would say I’m well dressed, I steal all my style ideas from Stefan Keyes. Fall is my favourite season. When I am not in dress clothes, for work, I like to layer it up. You’ll usually find me in a hoodie, with a plaid shirt and a vest. Layers are the way to go.


What’s your best advice for aspiring journalists, or any new professional?


Keep an open mind, chase as many opportunities as you can and build good relationships.

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