
Angie & Stuntman Stu: Ready to Embrace the Next Chapter

Editor’s Note: This article was written prior to Angie’s difficult news that her son, Nash, was recently diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, called Rhabdomyosarcoma. Everyone here at Faces extends our best wishes to Angie and her family, and prays for a full recovery for Nash.

For the past 13 years, Angie Poirier and “Stuntman” Stu Schwartz have been the soundtrack to countless morning routines in Ottawa, bringing great tunes and fun to a dedicated audience on Move 100 radio, formerly Majic 100.

But everything changed on February 13th, which just happened to be World Radio Day. Like hundreds of radio people before them, Angie, Stu, and their co-host, Janel Steeper, received the disappointing news from Bell Media that their services at  87 George Street were no longer required.

But just as it was every weekday morning when their alarm clocks shockingly went off at 4 am, there were no complaints or malice – just excitement for what lies ahead. And, of course, the popular hosts take with them a lifetime’s worth of great radio memories, with their listeners there for every step of the ride.

Photography by Kerbens Boisette

Faces recently caught up with Angie and Stuntman Stu to discuss their time on Ottawa morning radio, their best memories, and what’s next for them.

FACES: Did you two know each other before you started working together on the morning show?

STU: Very early on in our careers, when Angie was a copywriter for the New RO, she would get me to voice TV commercials she wrote,” Schwartz said.” We also worked together on the game day team for the Ottawa Rebel pro lacrosse team. Our paths have crossed so many times, I think it was always in the cards for us – we just had to wait for the perfect opportunity to present itself, and it eventually did.”

Was there an instant on-air chemistry, or did it take some time?

ANGIE: We had a history of working together, so the chemistry was already there. I was new to the radio side of broadcasting, so I followed Stu’s lead. The early days were exciting and scary but so darn fun! Our relationship and friendship grew even more and evolved into a brother/sister-like sparring and banter that the audience seemed to really enjoy. Since then, our families grew close, and even our kids have become great friends.

What do you like best about your co-host?

ANGIE: Definitely, what you see is what you get with Stu. He unapologetically doesn’t try to be anyone else but himself. It’s hard to find that type of authenticity these days. He is very generous and loyal. He is sometimes funny, but I don’t tell him that cause it just goes to his head.

STU: She gets me. She’s patient with me. She’s always in my corner. You build this inseparable bond when you spend that much time with someone Monday to Friday. And I was so lucky that I found a genuine friend who I thought of as a sister to work side by side with me over the last 13 years.

Photography by Kerbens Boisette

What’s your pet peeve about your co-host?

Angie: My biggest pet peeve is his terrible food takes and how he villainizes people for liking pineapple on pizza or ketchup on hotdogs. He also thinks Cheetos are better than Hawkins Cheezies, which is obviously incorrect, so that bugs me.

Stu: She is SUPER competitive. She is also a Gemini like me, and when we played radio games like Word Warz – she was in it to win every single time. Also, she’s terrible with directions. Like lost-in-a-circle-terrible with directions. Needless to say, I always did the driving when we were heading out together.

What’s your favourite or funniest memory from your time on the show?

Angie: I used to love the Facetime lives we would do during our live morning show. People would jump on and dare us or challenge us to do certain things. One day, Stu got up on the shelving unit in the studio, like it was a bar, dancing to Good Vibrations by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. Mid-dance, he fell off the shelving unit and hurt himself pretty good. He limped around for a week. Worth it.

What’s the reaction and support been like from your listeners?

STU: The support has been overwhelming. This city has been so good to us, and I will always be thankful for that. Our listeners were amazing, and I am glad they grew with us over the 13 years we did the show. I received thousands of messages in the last month on my social media platforms. People shared their words of support and memories that they have had of me and Angie – none of it went unnoticed.

You’ve had time to process things. How are you feeling about the future?

STU: Right now, I’m enjoying driving my kids around when they need me and just being home and sleeping in. I missed out on a lot with my kids over the years because I was always so busy with work. So, I hope to make up for some of those moments now that I have the chance. Everything happens for a reason, so I remain optimistic and look forward to embracing opportunities that come my way.

What’s next for you guys?

ANGIE: Carving out a 2.0. Exploring new avenues and possibilities. I do know that continuing to connect with and support the city and community I love will always be at the top of my list of things to do.

STU: According to my wife – learning how to properly do the laundry.

Photography by Kerbens Boisette

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