
Gail Sala: From Refresh To Innovative Design

Gail Sala is in the “refresh business.”

Fifteen years ago, the personable Sala negotiated detours both entrepreneurial and familial till she found the road to Homeworks, the Carp-based interior design practice of which she is owner-operator. She defines that enterprise today as a “refresh business,” reflecting the core philosophy that guides her artistic vision: Keep what you love and refresh the rest. Sala’s home, office, and residential makeovers are both respectful and innovative, a style she describes as Urban Modern or Urban Natural. It’s largely a matter of recognizing the best a space has, decoratively, to offer. Then, she and her team adjust its vibe with a touch of something vintage or otherwise unusual, adding a sense of whimsy certain to spark conversation.

“Not everyone wants a clean slate and to start from scratch,” Sala explains. “I had a client who had a 5,000 sq ft home. She and her husband were world travelers and had purchased artwork, Persian rugs, and collectibles—but weren’t sure how to incorporate them. I changed the scale of the furniture to better fit the space, giving them the perfect backdrop.” In other words, work with what you’ve got, are given, or can add without major alteration. It’s also a great way, in today’s challenging economy, to keep costs reasonable.

The inspiration for Homeworks was Sala’s aging parents. At the time, their accommodations were in need of change due to the couple’s physical limitations. While helping them out, Sala became acutely aware of the relationship between form and function and comfort and accessibility. This hands-on education paid off handsomely; she went on to specialize in the design and decoration of senior living and retirement homes across Ontario. Sala and her team have since worked on a variety of spaces locally and provincially and have otherwise contributed to community by participating in charitable causes, including Habitat for Humanity, Women Build, and Cornerstone Housing for Women. Homeworks’ professional plans for 2024 include a series of collaborative projects allowing Sala to incorporate next year’s style projections: earthy colours and eco-friendly materials, creating soothing atmospheres of personality-rich interiors and green living.

“My inspiration comes from the old and the new,” Sala reiterates. “Staying in tune with the latest design trends as well as pulling from the outdoors, travel, architecture, and antique stores.” All skewed, she emphasizes, through the client’s individualism. “Your home or office should be a reflection of who you are, the places you’ve been, and the things that you love.”

Photography by Kamara Morozuk

With over 15 years of experience as an interior decorator and certified home stager, Homeworks founder Gail Sala has imparted her unique aesthetic on hundreds of residential and commercial projects.

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