
An Interview with Cody and Jamie Ceci

Cody Ceci was drafted by his hometown team in the 2012 NHL Entry Draft. That same year, he met Jamie Thompson on a summer night in Ottawa. Cody thought he might never see her again after that night, but seven years later, the pair has settled down and made a home together (alongside their two French Bulldogs, of course).

With a spring engagement in Europe, their offseason has been nothing short of exciting so far. The changes didn’t stop there. Now, they are picking up and moving cities to put on a different jersey this fall. Ottawa will always be their home, but Cody will wear blue when it comes time to hit the ice again. We caught up with the newly engaged couple to find out how the proposal happened, their plans for the wedding, and what life is like outside of the rink for the NHL defenceman, and equestrian rider.

Cody and Jamie were great additions to the Ottawa community, and always supported fundraisers and galas around the city. Regardless of the jersey he wears, Cody is a player our city should be proud to call one of our own.


First of all, congratulations on your engagement, that must be very exciting for both of you! Can you tell us a little bit about how the proposal went and where it took place?

J: We were in Venice, Italy when he proposed. The whole time we were there it was pouring rain, so Cody was having a hard time deciding if he wanted to wait for another day and see if the rain would let up or go ahead. We had dinner plans later at night, but decided to go for a drink ahead of time. As we were walking to dinner, we were crossing one of the canal bridges when he suggested getting a photo. That’s when he popped the question, and the lady we asked to take our picture got the whole thing on video!

How did the two of you first meet?

C: The first time we met was in 2012 at the Bluesfest Skrillex concert. I added her on Facebook the next day and we planned to hangout sometime.

Where did you go on your first date and how did it go?

J: Our first date was actually at my parents’ house on the river in Brockville. We realized we shared a common interest in wakeboarding, so I invited Cody down to go out on my parents boat. I guess you could say it went pretty well since we are now getting married!

What is life like for you during the summer?

J: Summer life for us mainly revolves around the cottage. We spend most of our week here in Ottawa so Cody can train for his upcoming season, and I can ride my horse. We try to do at least one trip each year after Cody’s season ends.


When you guys are having a tough season on the ice – as the Senators did last year – how important is it for you to have Jamie at home after a difficult game?

C: A tough season definitely wears on you away from the rink so I think it’s very important to have someone at home to distract you and comfort you through the tough times.

Jamie, your sister Hayley is dating Mark Stone, who was traded to Las Vegas in February in a move that upset many in the city as he was so beloved by fans here. How hard was that day for you? Or was it such a great new opportunity for them that you’re more excited for them than anything else?

J: Mark and Hayley moving to Las Vegas was definitely bittersweet. I am so incredibly happy for Mark getting the amazing opportunity to play in Vegas, but at the same time my sister moving so far away was very difficult. Cody and I are very close with them, so it was definitely a sad day.

When Cody isn’t playing hockey, what do you guys like to do in your downtime together? Do you have any favourite places to eat around the city? Do you guys watch any shows together?

J: We like to either watch movies in the basement or go out for dinner. We have our favourite restaurants all over the city, but a stand out for us lately is Mati on Preston Street. As far as shows, we try and watch most of the popular series’ on either Netflix or Apple TV.

Cody, if you weren’t a hockey player, what do you think your dream job would be?

C: If I weren’t a hockey player, I would like to be a professional golfer or Formula 1 driver, although I’m nowhere near qualified for either one of those (laughs).


Jamie, tell us about your relationship with the other Sens’ girlfriends and wives. You have all done a lot of charity work in the community; how important is your relationship with them?

J: All my relationships with the other girls are very good. We’ve always been a very close group who spend a lot of time together. Whether it is for charity work or for our own personal enjoyment, we always have a great time. Some of the girls have become my very close friends over the years, and I know even if the guys are not playing on the same team we that will remain friends.

Cody, you’ve also been a big supporter of a lot of charities in Ottawa. You’ve always supported our charity events and have done a lot of work for CHEO as well. Tell us how important it is to you to give back to the community.

C: Over the years I have tried to keep as busy as possible when it comes to charity work. Whether it be a gala, golf tournament, or a simple day visit to CHEO, I think it is important to use my down time in the summer to give back to the community I grew up in.

Tell us about Zeus and Hugo, your French Bulldogs. What are their personalities? How old they are and what do you like best about them?

J: This is one of my favourite things to talk about. I could rant about my dogs all day. Zeus is 5, he is deaf, and the boss man. He thinks he runs the house and controls Cody and I. We are just there to cater to all of his needs. Hugo is 4, and just the happiest dog you’ll ever meet. It’s almost like he knows how to make everyone laugh and that’s his purpose in life. If you are sad, Hugo is the one that will snuggle up to you to make you feel better. They have two completely opposite personalities, so they balance each other out.

What are some places that you both want to travel to, and why?

C: We have always talked about Greece but have yet to travel there. Hopefully we can make it there one day. Maybe for our honeymoon.

Do you picture a big wedding or a destination wedding with close friends? Who is the one doing the wedding planning so far?

J: We already have a location picked out here in Ottawa, and we’re having a big wedding with lots of friends and family. We have hired a wedding planner because neither of us are very good at planning. I think when it comes to making decisions we will be doing most of it together.

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