
5 Side Jobs For Professionals To Boost Income

Whether or not it needs a boost, your bank account will thank you once you start these 5 side jobs.



If you have an established resume, and measurable success in your field, you might find consulting to be a rewarding and lucrative side gig. Many firms outsource projects to consulting companies with the hopes that a more experienced advisor will improve their company in all departments, from marketing and public relations, to finance and accounting. Consultants make their money by analyzing project details, and preparing reports and recommendations based on their expertise on how to best proceed with the project. Freelance consulting work can be started by simply setting up a website outlining your expertise, and then networking with people in your field. Usually, the networking and finding clients is the difficult part, so your experience and involvement in the industry will determine how easily you find projects. The rates for consulting vary, but public relations consultants typically make around $10,000 for one communications plan, which can take anywhere from four to 12 weeks to produce.


Public Speaking

Depending on the industry you’re in, public speaking can be a rewarding and simple way to boost your income on the side while promoting your brand. Generally, public speakers share their insights, life stories, triumphs and failures or industry knowledge on a variety of topics. Universities, charities, networking groups and think tanks employ public speakers for the knowledge and expertise they have in a given area. Other forms of public engagement, such as writing content or appearing in media, can also help boost your income and brand popularity.




The internet is full of great tips and tricks for businesses and owners, but the quality and popularity of this information varies greatly. Some companies, like LinkedIn Learning and Udemy, create, record and produce online content in the form of educational courses. Professionals with experience and expertise can not only boost their reputation and income through these online courses, but also drive sales to their brand as they become more revered, and have access to fresh candidates. Universities and colleges may also be interested in offering your course, although you will require at least a master’s degree to teach at a university.


One of the hardest problems that new businesses face is establishing their brand and boosting brand awareness. Marketing departments deploy various techniques to solve this, and one of those techniques is paying an industry professional to promote their product. In today’s day and age, professionals with a considerable social media following will find it easier to land promotional gigs, although it is certainly possible to be sponsored by products without social media. Instead, professionals can focus on promoting products through word of mouth, or strike sponsorship deals with the companies. Professionals can attend conferences and networking events to promote their brands, or host fundraisers or other events where sponsors pay to be featured.



Product Sales

This is similar to number four, but instead of promoting another company’s brand, you’re using your own brand to sell products. An ideal freelance salesman will be able to leverage his professional reputation and expertise to strike partnerships and long-term buyers. By doing so, there is the potential to create a steady income with minimal intervention needed. Having an established network of professionals and a standard product can help boost your sales to start, and give you a leg-up against new startups.


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