CommunityLife feature

Liane Moskal – A Key Talent At Keyrate

Liane Moskal left her Montreal home at fifteen to play hockey in the United States. She came to Ottawa when she reached college age, studying Finance, French, and American Sign Language at Carleton University, which she also represented in varsity hockey (of course) and golf. Not your typical pedigree for a Mortgage Agent and Team Lead. And yet, each of those experiences comes into play every day in her role at KeyRate, the people-first mortgage company that prides itself on helping Ottawans of all financial profiles.

The turning point in Moskal’s life came when a realtor-girlfriend, recognizing Moskal’s winning combination of numerical facility and accommodating personality, tagged her as a perfect fit for the homeownership industry. “The rest is history,” says the fresh-faced Moskal.

“I fell in love with helping people financially.”

What followed was seven years as a mortgage specialist at RBC. There, she learned the full breadth of financial knowledge it takes to distinguish yourself in the mortgage and advisement game. When her boss left to found KeyRate, he targeted the trilingual (English, French, ASL) Moskal as the kind of well-rounded “people person” that would help him fulfill his vision for the company. KeyRate prides itself on making homeownership a reality for everyone, a mandate they continue to fulfill even in today’s tight market. Whether you’re self- employed, a new Canadian, a non-resident, dealing with separation or divorce, or suffering from a suspect credit rating, KeyRate can locate the lenders sympathetic to your situation. KeyRate also works with mainstream banks to negotiate a better interest rate or lower application fees and has access to deals not available on the open market. Plus, they’ve got Moskal, the respected Team Lead the company’s other agents go to for advice. “I help out KeyRate anyway I can,” Moskal explains. “The best part of the job, in fact, is passing on my knowledge. I’m happy to spread it the way that others did for me.”

“Clients aren’t all salary income earners,” Moskal elaborates. “Every client is different. So, it’s getting to know their needs to see how to give them the best advice. Plus, the rules vary depending on the situation. That’s why it’s so important that I have multiple lenders to be able to assist everyone.”

And it’s not just lenders that are at her disposal. Moskal is the embodiment of KeyRate’s commitment to the totality of their clients’ needs, not just the necessity of a roof above their heads. That’s why Moskal surrounds herself with an extensive roster of driven professionals: appraisers, realtors, insurance reps, and retirement and financing planners, all to make sure that the client is being taken care of in all aspects of their life. “Whether a client is making a purchase, refinancing, consolidating debt, or getting into a commercial area,” she qualifies, “I want their money to work for them in the best way possible.”

It’s a decree to which her online reviews and recommendations—essential to the success of a broker, as their careers are predicated on referrals—glowingly attest. That said, the greater repercussions are the tangible results. “The best reward,” smiles Moskal, “is when I help clients with debt consolidation and a year later, they show me that they’re debt free with a great credit score.” Moskal’s innate need to assist people isn’t restricted to her practice either. If Moskal’s name or face strikes you as familiar, it’s no doubt because you’ve seen her on TV or on social media, platforms from which she periodically offers prescriptive advice.

It’s a pay-it-forward philosophy rooted in her own eclectic education, from the years in sports that taught her the importance of teamwork and mentorship to the sign language proficiency that allowed her to help a deaf college roommate and current clients who have the same disability. “Education is a big one for me,” explains Moskal. “Social media and TV are great ways to send out free advice and tips. There is so much to know about mortgages, and the markets are changing year after year.”
Small wonder Moskal was rated Key Rate’s Top Social Influencer of 2020.

So, what’s her most pressing piece of advice?

“The best thing to do right now,” she recommends, “is look at your finances to see how you can weather a potential storm that might affect you or your family. If monthly expenses are tight and debt is building, it’s always best to talk to a mortgage broker before it’s too late. You can strive through anything with the right advice.”

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