LifeLife feature

Skills At Home: How To Make Your Bed, Hotel Style

Miss the feeling of climbing into a perfectly made hotel bed? We may not be able to travel this month, but staying at home provides the perfect opportunity to learn how to bring hotel-style comfort to our bed at home. Here’s some hacks your favourite hotels use to achieve the perfect make, every time.


Get That Crisp-Sheet Feeling


You know the feeling of getting into fresh, crisp sheets? Recreate that feeling by making your bed when your sheets aren’t 100% dry. Grab your sheets when their still slightly damp (not so much that they won’t dry by the time you go to bed at night). This will help the sheets to settle perfectly for that clean and crisp feeling.



Say Goodbye To Your Fitted Sheet

Most hotels don’t use a fitted sheet on their beds; instead, they place an oversized top sheet on the bottom and tuck it in tight with hospital corners. If you can’t achieve this at home with what’s in your closet, no worries. Remember that the tag on your fitted sheet will always go on the bottom left corner.



The Details That Count


If your top sheet or quilt (that cozy layer in between your cover and sheets) have a pattern, make sure you make your bed with the pattern side down. When the bed is made and you fold back the top of your sheets near the pillows, the pattern will be exposed, which is exactly what you want.





Get Your Duvet On Hassle Free

If walls could talk, I’m sure they’d talk about the serious struggles us humans have with duvet covers. Nothing can ruin a made bed quite like a duvet cover that just isn’t on right. Once we found this simple hack for rolling your duvet cover on (as opposed to fighting it into the right corners) life got a whole lot easier.



Keep It Wrinkle Free

One of the reasons your hotel bed looks so fresh is because it’s usually wrinkle free. Once you’ve made your bed, banish any wrinkles by spraying your duvet with some water. It’ll help the sheets settle for that crisp look and feel. All that’s left is to check in to your room for a great night’s sleep.



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